Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure Cost Price Pros Cons in Turkey
The Relationship Between Breast Size and Sagging
The issue of breast size and sagging is a concern that affects the quality of life for many women. Sagging caused by large breasts can be physically discomforting. Especially, the weight on the shoulders can lead to physical pain and posture issues. Poor posture can put more stress on the body and cause discomfort. These adverse effects can create a vicious cycle and negatively impact a person’s quality of life.
Breast Reduction Surgery and Scars
After breast reduction and uplift surgeries, specific scars may develop on the breasts. However, these scars are usually quite mild, and individuals often have difficulty noticing them when they look in the mirror. These scars can be in the form of a line extending from the nipple to the lower breast and can be easily concealed under swimwear or lingerie.
The healing of scars varies depending on the individual’s skin type and their reaction to the healing process. In some cases, scars can be reduced or nearly eliminated by medical applications or laser treatments.
The Age Factor in Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction surgeries are typically preferred after women have completed their childbearing years. However, in cases where individuals experience a lack of self-confidence and are physically restricted from movement, the surgery can be performed at a younger age. Particularly in the late teens and early twenties, the procedure may be performed if breast size negatively impacts an individual’s quality of life and restricts physical activities.
The age factor is assessed based on the individual’s needs and physical health.
How Breast Reduction Surgery is Performed
Breast reduction surgeries are performed in a hospital and are generally conducted under general anesthesia. However, some patients may prefer not to receive general anesthesia or may opt for sedation anesthesia with the approval of an anesthesiologist. Today, breast reduction surgeries offer an extremely comfortable experience.
Typically, pain relief medication such as paracetamol is used to reduce pain, and drains (tubes used for fluid drainage) are not usually attached to most patients. Following an operation that lasts an average of 1.5-2 hours, patients typically stay in the hospital for one night.
Postoperative Recovery Process
After breast reduction surgeries, patients usually stay in the hospital for one night and are recommended to rest at home for a week. The success of the recovery process depends on the amount of rest and adherence to doctor’s recommendations.
Patients often feel that after the surgery, their back pain rapidly decreases, and the burden on their shoulders lessens.
Lactation Issue
During breast reduction operations, efforts are made to preserve milk ducts, but there is no absolute guarantee of this. Depending on the size and sagging of the breasts, milk ducts may be damaged. Nevertheless, many patients report that they can still breastfeed after the surgery.
Combination Procedures
Breast size and sagging are often observed in individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or experienced changes in their bodies after childbirth. Additionally, some women may require genital aesthetic operations due to vaginal childbirth.
Procedures such as tummy tucks, liposuction, genital aesthetic surgeries, and facial surgeries can be performed together. Combining these procedures is important regarding the individual’s overall health, preferences, surgery duration, and subsequent recovery period.
Bra Usage
After the completion of postoperative recovery, individuals may find it satisfying not to require tight, uncomfortable bras. In fact, many patients think that having the freedom to use comfortable and stylish lingerie is an incredible source of comfort.