Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey , Hair Transplant Price in Turkey

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Hair transplant turkey, with the Choi pen method has become the most preferred method of hair transplantation by patients in a short time due to its more successful results and rapid recovery.

DHI Hair Transplantation Steps

Graft Collection

The FUE method is based on the principle of taking grafts one by one by preparing them with millimetric diameter, sharp tubular tips called “micro-punch”.

The tubular sharp tips of the micro-punch creates circular incisions with a diameter of 0.6 mm – 0.8 mm around the follicles containing hair follicles.

In this way, hair follicles become ready to be removed in a short time and they can be easily collected with the help of a micropen-set.

Transplantation of Hair Roots

The FUE method is based on the principle of taking grafts one by one by preparing them with millimetric diameter, sharp tubular tips called “micro-punch”.

The tubular sharp tips of the micro-punch creates circular incisions with a diameter of 0.6 mm – 0.8 mm around the follicles containing hair follicles. In this way, hair follicles become ready to be removed in a short time and they can be easily collected with the help of a micropen-set.

CHOI Pen Hair Transplant Steps

Should we try to explain the hair transplant method with Choi pen in 3 steps.
1. First Examination and Decision
2. Graft collection and Transplantation of hair roots.
3. Post procedure care

In these simple 3 steps, you will get your new look. This method is applied without incision and without stitches. You can look into the details below.

Advantages of Hair Transplantation WITH CHOI Pen

No Incisions and No Stitches

Unlike other hair transplant methods, no incision is made in the choi pen method. Hair follicles are collected with special pens and transferred to the area to be transplanted. Since there is no incision, no stitches are needed and the donor area heals quickly.

Maximum Graft Transplantation – Up to 8000 Grafts

In the first examination, the transplantation will be made and the donor area is examined. As a result, the number of hair grafts that can be taken in the most efficient way is determined.

The number of grafts transplanted varies according to the thickness of your hair.

Starting from 2000 – 3000 grafts, it can go up to 7000 and 8000 grafts.

Fast Recovery

Choi Pen Application is a method that takes a much shorter healing process compared to other classical methods.

Recovery is seen within 3 – 4 days and you can continue your normal life without the need for dressing.


Hair transplantation is completely permanent. The area with sparse hair or no hair is completely covered.

After the application, you will be discharged immediately and you can continue your normal life.

The total recovery with dressing process ends in 3-4 days.

After Hair Transplant Treatment

The first hair washing 3 days after hair transplantation is done under supervision in our hospital.

All original hair care products are provided free of charge for cleaning and care after the first wash.

Real Patient Experiences

Natural Results

The grafts are transplanted to the applied area all at once and effortlessly with choi pens.

After the healing process, there is no transplant scar left in the applied area.

No hair cell is damaged. The transplanted hair grafts is planted according to its natural growth direction, so the hair looks much more natural.

Hair transplantation with the Choi pen method is an application that requires expertise and experience.

How is the patient evaluated before hair transplantation?

Before hair transplantation, patients are evaluated according to the degree of hair loss and the size of the balding areas. The density of the hair follicles in the donor area of the patients is calculated and the number of follicles that can be taken is determined. After the density of the determined root number is revealed, the number of roots to be planted in the planting area is clarified.

What stages does hair transplantation take place?

Hair transplantation process consists of two stages. In the first stage, hair grafts are collected from the donor area after local anesthesia. This process takes about 3 hours, depending on the number of roots to be removed.

After this procedure, while the patient is resting, the roots are classified according to their density. In the second stage of hair transplantation, the roots taken are transplanted with the help of pens in the DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) method. The transplantation phase takes about 3-4 hours. Total procedure time is about 7-8.

What are the advantages of the DHI method?

In the DHI (Choi pen) method, hair grafts are transplanted with the help of a pen. In this way, there is no need to open channels as in the FUE method and the scalp is not damaged. Since there is no need to open a channel, more frequent planting can be done. Since the scalp is not damaged, there is less swelling and faster recovery.

What should patients pay attention to before hair transplantation?

We advise our patients who smokes to quit smoking 4 weeks before the procedure and not to smoke for 4 weeks after the procedure. Since drinking alcohol before the procedure causes more bleeding during transplantation, we recommend our patients not to drink alcohol for 2 days before hair transplantation.

Can hair transplant be done under general anesthesia?

Since hair transplantation is a long procedure, it is performed under local anesthesia. It is not desirable for patients to receive general anesthesia for a long time for a procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia. Thanks to the sedation procedure performed with local anesthesia, patients both feel less pain and can have a more comfortable transplantation process.

Will there be swelling after hair transplantation?

In the DHI (choi pen) method, patients do not have much swelling on their heads and faces. Therefore, patients do not need to use a forehead band.

Will there be pain after hair transplantation?

Since the procedure is a surgical intervention, there is little pain. This pain can be relieved with oral pain killer.

How to clean and care for hair follicles transplanted after hair transplantation?

2 days after the hair transplant, patients are taken to a hair wash. During this process, patients are informed about how to wash their hair with foam and shampoo.

Should a protective hat be used after hair transplantation?

The use of hats after hair transplantation is not recommended today, as it may cause loss in the hair follicles due to friction.

Will the follicles planted in hair transplantation fall out?

Transplanted grafts begin fall out gradually after transplantation. This loss can continue for up to 3 months. Transplanted hair follicles begin to grow again from the 3rd month. 6 months after transplantation 60% of the grafts begin to show. It may take up to 1 year for all transplanted hair grafts to grow.

How long after hair transplantation the procedure can be done again?

Re-transplantation can be done 1 year after the first hair transplant.

What are the additional treatments that can be done for hair to grow stronger after hair transplantation?

It is known that the use of during and after transplantation contributes to the survival of hair grafts and hair growth. In addition, ozone treatment during the first week after hair transplantation positively affects the results of hair transplantation.

When can patients return to their normal lives after hair transplantation?

Patients can return to their normal lives 7 days after hair transplantation.

How long after hair transplant can you start exercising?

It is known that sweating damages the hair follicles that are transplanted. For this reason, we recommend that patients start sports approximately 4 weeks after hair transplantation.

Hair Transplantation Prices 2022

You can contact us immediately to get information about hair transplant prices in Turkey.


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